
Five Fab FindZ for the HolidayZ

Think Oprah's Favourite Things, but stocking-stuffer-style. Lately I have been OBSESSED with these five-fab-findz. I can't get enough of them. They are all not too crazy expensive... so if you're in a bit of a pickle about what to buy someone: read below!

Bath & Body Works is the place to be around the holidays. Their store decor makes me wayyyyy happier than it should. I currently have 3 of their holiday scented candles in my apartment. They smell DELISH and burn for a damn long time. #FiveFabFindz

This lip balm legit runs my life!!!!!!! It's called EOS, their commercials on TV are precious, and it's honestly the best balm! It has a little bit of a shine and it works soooOOOoo well. I am obsessed. I may or may not have like 5 of them. If they called me and asked me to be their spokeperson I wouldn't say no. Catch my drift? #FiveFabFindz They're at Shoppers PS. 

So my boyfriend got me one of these Lokai bracelets awhile back... they are SO COOL! The bracelet is all about balance. The black beed holds mud from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on the Earth. The white bead carries water from Mount Everest- highest point on Earth. Life is full of ups and down, but it's all about finding your balance. ummmmmmmm excuse me while I CRY. Amazing. #FiveFabFindz

I'm a big fan of NARS. It's pretty much the only makeup I wear. So, when I saw these new eyeshadow glam shades... I fainted mid-aisle at Sephora. It's an eyeshadow but is SO long-lasting and glittery. Momma like. #FiveFabFindz

THESE PANTS. They are called the "Tuxedo Pant" at Joe Fresh (yep, get em at Superstore) and they are my LIFE. I do everything in them. Workout, hang out at my apartment, dress them up with a blazer/blouse for work... you name it, it works. They are SOOO comfortable and fab with the little black stripe on the side. Big fan. #FiveFabFindz 

Holidays= where cheat day is EVERYDAY! 

Rach xxo 


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